Cleaning the mosaic floor

Daily life, in the process of excavation, provides news about the elements discovered at the site. For example, the mosaic floor cleaning helps to verify its basic scheme. In this case, the mosaic has a plant motif center framed by an octagon; whose sides, East and West, also have square caissons with plant motifs. The drawing is complete with lines forming wreathed swastikas. The colors of the tesselae are black, white, red (in different shades) and orange/yellow (also in different gradation).
Central floral octagon limited by a rope motif.
Floral square caissons that are arranged in the east and west sides of the pavement.
An image of one of the square caissons.

Regarding the rest of the excavated space, the area that is considered as probably belonging to an old hermitage is now is free of the silt levels (which enshrine it). It has revealed the existence of entombments within granite sarcophagi corresponding to the oldest time that this space was used, but this appreciation can’t be determined until the end of the excavation.
Chapel area. We can observe different coffins, disposed therein.
Photo of one of these burials, without exhuming.

Translated by Lara M. Moreda
Edited by Andrew B. Greeves

Rooms With a Mosaic Floor

During this season of excavation at the site of El Vergel, plus the aforementioned burials, we have been able to confirm the existence of at least one room that also has a mosaic floor. This room, located north of the East-West corridor, appears rectangular but it isn’t fully defined so far. The mosaic decorative pattern is geometric, polychromatic, with square and octagonal coffered and bordered with swastikas. Although having some alterations, in general it can be said that its condition is good. As in previous campaigns, the procedure for cleaning is the removal of lime concretion covering it with scalpels and spatulas. Once this work is complete, we will proceed to consolidate it in an attempt to prevent fracture zones from expanding or degrading.
Polychrome mosaic floor decorated with geometric motifs. We can see that the conservation of the pavement is good, despite the existence of some "gaps".
Image of one of the square caissons inside of which there is a floral motif made by white, pink and black tesserae.

Meanwhile, the areas occupied by burials are being cleared. The work has been done in an area related to an ancient hermitage up until recently. In this space, paved with clay tiles arranged in spikes, we have been able to document the existence of modern day burials placed in simple pits; buried in the supine position, their conservation is generally good. Note that the upper extremities are bent and hands resting on the abdomen or pelvic area.
This photo is of one of the burials. This is an adult in the supine position. Facing West-East (head-feet), upper limbs are bent and hands together, resting on the abdominal area.
View of the possible chapel. There is clay tile pavement, also practiced burial pits can be identified.

Translated by Lara M. Moreda
Edited by Andrew B. Greeves

Burials With Large Slabs (VIII campaign)

We continue documenting the existence of burials with large slabs of stone structure as a cover. Some pieces related to cremation memorials were reused as elements of one of the walls. We found the ash deposit and libations channel.
This photo is of of a stone object (called Cupa) that has a deposit to introduce the ash, and also has a libations channel.

Translated by Lara M. Moreda
Edited by Andrew B. Greeves

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